Distant Healing Energy Transmission

Nahizji in France
The legacy of Mary Magdalene

When: from November 2022 up to March 2023
Rennes-le-Château, South France

Costs: 200,00 € per Energy transmission

From November 2022 to March 2023, Nahizji will live in a place of power in southern France where Mary Magdalene worked as a healer and priestess. There she instructed the women and men who were brought to her in the mystery of devotion.

Nahizji received the task from her, from afar and on site, to instruct people in the teachings of devotion and now to take greater care of the healing of the physical and psychological body systems.

The people who seek healing from cancer, depression, autoimmune diseases, thyroid, spine and heart diseases, allergies, anxiety, before, during and after necessary surgeries, etc. can now book these distant healings with Nahizji.

In addition, distant healing, which activates an increase in energy in the body system, serves one’s own soul development. Increasingly, man acquires an ability to see more clearly. Through this clarification he comes into stronger contact with his heart, whose impulses he can receive and recognize more clearly. In this way, people will be able to easily find the solution for themselves in problem situations.

What is distance healing?

The distant healing that Nahizji has been transmitting for years affects the entire human body system. This type of distant healing, which she was instructed in by Mary Magdalene, opens up a new dimension for people. In this dimension, not only is the body brought into the healing process, but also the mystery of devotion is initiated within it.

During the distance healing, for which Nahizji needs your photo and date of birth, she connects to your body system. Her mediumistic skills and the connection to Maria Magdalena enable her to receive healing energy from the source of devotion and to transfer it to you.

For some people, distant healing works as a spontaneous healing. For others, this triggers a process of awareness that sets a profound transformation in motion. This healing process requires continuous support that puts people on the path to soul development.

Weitere Angebote von Nahizji

Mit Nahizji den Weg gehen

Inner Study

The Inner Study is based on the teaching of the Kundalini of Devotion transmitted by Mary Magdalene to Nahizji.

Kundalini Energie

Kundalini of devotion

Nahizji has been teaching seekers in the inner work, philosophy and practice of the general and focused Kundalini path since 2006.


Teach and work

She supports people in their soul development by reminding them of the power of devotion, which they can integrate into their everyday lives.

Mit Nahizji den Weg gehen

Inner Study

The Inner Study is based on the teaching of the Kundalini of Devotion transmitted by Mary Magdalene to Nahizji.

Kundalini Energie

Kundalini of devotion

Nahizji has been teaching seekers in the inner work, philosophy and practice of the general and focused Kundalini path since 2006.


Teach and work

She supports people in their soul development by reminding them of the power of devotion, which they can integrate into their everyday lives.

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