Healer and Kundalini Master

Nahizji is a healer and Kundalini master who dedicates her entire heart fire to the soul development of people.
In the teaching of devotion that she imparts, people gain access to their true self. In inner study, in conversations with Nahizji and in practical exercises, the seekers receive individual instructions on their path of awakening, which clarify their direction and stabilize their development.

Nahizji serves as an ambassador of Mary Magdalene who teaches true seekers the teachings of devotion through the awakening of their Kundalini.

Offers from Nahizji

1:1 Transformation Process
3 month counseling process online

1:1 Pilgrimage in the south of France
to the holy places of Mary Magdalene

1:1 Kundalini awakening process
3-week on-site support process

Single or couple counseling
online or on site

Family healing
3 month process
with or without the family

NEW: Book publication by Nahizji

The sensitive and clear words in this book will enable you to enter a dimension where you can remember what it is that is knocking at your heart.

These texts do not impart theoretical spiritual knowledge, they establish a direct connection to feeling.

In this feeling, you will be able to get in touch with your intuition and recognise where the pull of your heart is leading you.

It is the journey to you with God.

The book will initially only be available in German.

You are welcome to order your copy now
(€24.99 plus shipping costs).
It is also available as an e-book (€9.99): Click here.

Investors sought for healing center in southern France

Do you want to invest in the holistic healing center of the Holistic Life Home?

Our healing center Holistic Life Home, which Nahizji founded in Germany in 2020, is now living in France. We are urgently looking for a house where the work of Nahizji and her team can continue. The center that will be built here near Rennes-le-Chateau will be a place of regeneration, healing and soul development.

Events in 2024

Pilgrimage of Mary Magdalene
7-day tour with Nahizji to the most important places of Mary Magdalene in southern France

– group tours in 2025: 12.-20.05. and 25.-23.09.
– or individual appointments by arrangement

In the guidance of Mary Magdalene, Nahizji has the task of reminding people of devotion. Through various initiations at the places where Mary Magdalene once lived and worked, Nahizji transfers the memory of this power to you.

The Power of Manifestation 
from 12/09/2024 to 21/09/2024

This retreat is an intensive journey to your true self. Nahizji’s presence will guide you into conscious awareness during these days at the selected power places in Egypt through satsangs, inner work and energy transmissions.

Awakening your light
The journey to you
18.07.-15.08.24 / 10.10.-07.11.24

This year, Nahizji is offering an exclusive 4-week transformation process during which she will travel with you and part of her team to various power places in a total of four countries.

At these places you will receive initiations through Nahizji’s presence, which will align you with the essentials in your life.

Heart Awakening – Retreat
You will meet yourself
from 25.12.24 to 01.01.25

These 7 intense days are for determined people who want a radical shift in their lives, who are setting out for their light. In this ascension process you will no longer be able to avoid yourself.

Nahizji’s focussed presence shatters any comfort zone and pulls you out of your old entanglements.
You must be ready to allow a high energy to enter you.

More information will follow soon.

Online-Satsang with Nahizji
on 19.06.24 / 17.07.24 | 21.08.24
7 to 8:30 pm

What is your heart calling for?
In Satsang people meet who are interested in looking deeper into their hearts in search of truth.
Your questions from all walks of life are welcome here.

Registration possible on the day of the event until 3 pm. If a French translation is required, please let us know by 6 pm one day before.

in France

from 25.12.2023 – 01.01.2024


Fühlbare Worte
Clear insights in your life arise in the absence of your mind,
from which your heart looks.


Nahizji in France

You can use the following offers with Nahizji in France:

Individual consultations (on site and via zoom)
Individual processes for a profound clarification and your soul development
Initiations in the three caves and in the Church of Mary Madgalene

Learn more about the initiations with Nahizji:

Feeling University

Awakening Process

Next course start

coming soon

Play Video

Berührende Einblicke in das
„Die Hingabe der Maria Magdalena“

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Mit Nahizji in Ägypten an den Kraftorten zu sein, hat bei allen Teilnehmern das innere Feuer geweckt. Es wurde fühlbar, welch enorme Kraft dem Menschen innewohnt und welch transformierende Wirkung die Kundalini der Hingabe entfalten kann. 

Fleur de lys Logo

Holistic Life Home

Nahizji gründete 2020 die Organisation 
Holistic Life Home,
die einen Raum bietet, für Rückzug und Reflexion, für Inspiration, für gemeinsames bewusstes Leben und Wirken in der Gemeinschaft.


Online-Satsang mit Nahizji
19.00 – 20.30 Uhr,

Den Online-Satsang mit Nahizji kannst du bequem von zu Hause miterleben, von dort aus in das starke Energiefeld des Events mit eintauchen und deine Fragen stellen.

Participant votes

On pilgrimage with Nahizji:

“Encounter with my divine self

… Nahizji’s blessings during the retreat, her presence and the energy in the land of Mary Magdalene regularly took me out of the familiar thought patterns of my mind. The resulting encounters with my divine self were shattering in the most positive sense: I was allowed to enter the world of my softness, my love, my tenderness, my connectedness and devotion in a depth unknown to me until then…”

Read the full review now on the page: Power Places with Nahizji

Text of the month

The ego is so small that it believes
there is nothing greater than its thinking, with which it clings to obligations and limitations.

The heart knows that it carries an infinite greatness within itself, from which it wants to live the boundless freedom of unconditional love.


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