Kundalini of devotion
The living and ecstatic power
The Effect of Kundalini
Kundalini is an interplay of female and male energies, also described as Ida (left side of the body) and Pingala (right side of the body), the lunar (black) and the solar (golden) snake, which constantly revitalise each other.
Kundalini energy is highly alive and creates an electromagnetic field that opens the space for wave-like ecstasy.
This ecstasy is the result of the activated Kundalini energy, which fierily makes its way through the body and thereby bursts the accumulated energies caused by entanglements and attachments.
It leads you into a deeper dimension of your consciousness.
General Kundalini way
Nahizji has been teaching seekers the inner work, teaching and practice of the Kundalini path since 2006.
By learning the basics of the Kundalini of devotion and recognising its guiding trace, you gain the ability to live more consciously in your social structures.
The central point of this transformation process is to bring harmony and clarity to these structures, allowing you to experience more health, satisfaction and success in your life.
Focused Kundalini way
The focussed Kundalini path is the strongest and fastest path of soul development and therefore also the most dangerous, because a life-transforming force can also be a life-destroying force if it is used without the necessary commitment, dedication, focus and understanding.
Therefore, this form should only be practised after careful preparation and under the constant guidance and observation of an expert.
When this form of Kundalini is practised, a change will take place on the inner level within a very short time, which will radically dismantle the usual life and social structures.
For this reason, the path of focussed Kundalini requires a teacher who consistently and constantly teaches the student to integrate the intensity of Kundalini and to realise the impulses arising from it.
In her community, Nahizji teaches the focussed path of Kundalini, training members in their presence on a daily basis through practical exercises. Through conscious reflection and the feeling of emotions, belief patterns are increasingly replaced. In this development process, the unique potentials that support the soul in fulfilling the task for which it is here become increasingly clear.
Sacred partnership
The sacred partnership is characterised by a special attraction that is manifested through an intensity that has the ability to continually re-activate the Kundalini energy in this couple, which opens up in their body system in a playful, dynamic and ecstatic way.
In surrendering to this subtle intensity, it steadily rises and brings both energies together in the heart, resulting in a cosmic orgasm in the act of merging.
The fire of love that unites this couple serves only the mission destined for the soul’s evolution.
The Kundalini energy is of the highest precision, which is fully focussed on the event of the fusion.
Both partners surrender to this high vibrational frequency of their hearts and thus reach a transcendent level.
In a magical way, their energies merge, creating a great expansion and penetrating the universal energy.
A strong attraction to this Kundalini experience can be felt in the couple’s everyday life.
Being together is characterised by the utmost attentiveness and care for each other. It inspires shared visions, constantly serves growth and is a true fountain of youth for body and soul.
The couple’s constantly increasing capacity for love is healing for each other and also for others.
This loving encounter is deeply sacred.
“To know,
that you don’t need
the other
to be happy,
is liberation.
To know,
that through the other
you want to recognize
is enrichment.”
Kundalini Initiation
The powerfully transformative Kundalini energy has been working through Nahizji for many years. This highly vital energy has a deeply healing effect on the entire human body system and supports individual and collective awareness. Nahizji acts as a pure channel for the energy that awakens the vibration of the Kundalini within you. This happens through an energy transfer in the form of words, touch or movements