The path of devotion

For inner clarity, healing and fulfillment

What is devotion?

Devotion is the feminine path that leads us to soul development. Devotion is not submission, it is an act in which we serve God in humility, receiving his gifts in the form of life situations, feelings and sensations with our hearts, without judgment and without resistance.

How do I get on the path of devotion?

The path of devotion requires your complete determination to break free from your old purpose-driven life, which you have resigned yourself to but still feel unfulfilled. You must be willing to fully engage with the voice of your heart in order to unconditionally fulfill the divine directives.
Here you are called to trust your intuition completely and follow it uncompromisingly. It will help you to feel and recognize who or what no longer suits you. You need to take an honest look at your current way of life in order to shed what is blocking the light of your soul so that it can shine in all its glory.
This path is not a hobby, it is your soul’s mission.

Redemption Process

You must be prepared to let go of your unconscious relationships and your false job, which only give you a semblance of emotional and financial security but limit you in your soul development.
You have to turn away from the old, destructive way of thinking about yourself, about others and about your life and face your old wounds. Your suppressed fears, through which you have made numerous commitments, must come to the surface. You must recognize that these commitments make you small. They suggest that you have an apparent right to exist in the form of being loved and seen.
You need the courage to leave this construct behind in order to free yourself from them.


Giving your energy in the form of time, money and attention to your soul development is the highest appreciation of yourself. It is the key to this path. You can tell how much you invest in your soul development by how you feel about yourself.

“When your search on the outside is over, the true search will open up to you. An immeasurable desire will ignite a fire within you that burns for all that you encounter. Its burning is the devotion that takes everything to itself in order to experience the depth of this love.
It is pure blessing to be so close to God.” – Nahizji

What changes when you live devotion?

Out of devotion, you encounter all life situations and all your emotions completely free of judgment. In this way, your old emotional entanglements dissolve and your body begins to heal. This creates more clarity in your consciousness, which leads you to emotional stability. This allows you to face the challenges that present themselves to you with much more serenity and openness. You are solution-oriented and your dealings with others are benevolent and peaceful. You are more loving towards yourself and others. Everyday stress fades completely into the background because you have realized that everything you encounter serves your development.

Devotion leads you into deeper and deeper transformation processes that ignite an enormous radiance within you. Not everyone around you will be able to cope with this light. Some will gradually leave your environment. At the same time, the loving presence within you will only draw those into your field who are also following this path of soul development. You see that your being together fertilizes and deeply enriches you.
The potential for which you were created becomes increasingly visible. The power of your intuition will guide you towards its highest expression. This intuition in its purest form opens the way to your mission. To fulfill it is true grace, because everything you do, you do because your heart wants it and what your heart wants creates pure love.

It is this love that every human heart longs for.

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