Mystery School of Trinity

Become your own source

The lineage that Nahizji works in and carries on is the Mystery School of the Trinity, the power of the male, female and child. It forms the basis of the “inner study” in which you, on your path of becoming aware, are instructed by Nahizji in the teachings of the Kundalini of devotion, which Nahizji received through Mary Magdalene.

The Mystery School offers you an inner work through which you can explore these three powers within you: the power of inspiration, of intuition and of manifestation. In this work with Nahizji you will learn how to recognize your belief patterns and how to consciously perceive and feel through your suppressed feelings.

In this transformation process it becomes more and more clear to you how you can use these three forces within you,

how it shows up in you, the inspiration = to see your true impulses,
how it shows up in you to follow your intuition in the execution of these impulses,
how it shows up in you to manifest these impulses on earth through the will of your spirit and how you bring the impulses to fruition.

Why is it so important to actualize the impulses of your mind?
They lead you on the path of your heart, whereby a higher energy develops in you. This energy clears your thoughts and heals your body. It also shows you in a natural way what your heart wants to live and what your heart needs in this transformation to recognize and live your hidden abilities. This development process reveals your soul’s destiny, where you gain increasing conviction and stability for this path.

In these processes, many people experience increasing motivation in their everyday life, success and joy with themselves, up to comprehensive healing.

Weitere Angebote von Nahizji


Lehre und Wirken

Nahizji, die in der Tradition der Mysterienschule der Isis wirkt, übermittelt Suchenden das Erbe der Maria Magdalena.  

Kundalini Energie

Kundalini der Hingabe

Nahizji lehrt seit 2006 suchende Menschen in der inneren Arbeit, der Philosophie und Praxis des allgemeinen und fokussierten Kundalini-Weges.

Mit Nahizji den Weg gehen

Inneres Studium

Das Innere Studium basiert auf der Lehre der Kundalini der Hingabe, die Nahizji von Maria Magdalena übermittelt wurde.

Weitere Angebote von Nahizji


Lehre und Wirken

Nahizji, die in der Tradition der Mysterienschule der Isis wirkt, übermittelt Suchenden das Erbe der Maria Magdalena.  

Kundalini Energie

Kundalini der Hingabe

Nahizji lehrt seit 2006 suchende Menschen in der inneren Arbeit, der Philosophie und Praxis des allgemeinen und fokussierten Kundalini-Weges.

Mit Nahizji den Weg gehen

Inneres Studium

Das Innere Studium basiert auf der Lehre der Kundalini der Hingabe, die Nahizji von Maria Magdalena übermittelt wurde.

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