Family healing
3-month process online
with or without the family members (max. 4 people)
Those who want to bring healing into their lives as individuals or together as a family must be ready to face their issues, ready to face all that has been pushed away and suppressed over the years.
Nahizji, who has already penetrated and illuminated these structures, offers an intensive healing process for families or individuals.
You will learn for yourself in an individual process or together with your family,
– how you can meet your family members in a loving and clear way,
– what it means to see and understand them with your heart,
– how you can support each other without suffering,
– how you can grow together in love without losing energy,
– how you can learn from each other.

Anyone who surrenders to their development will free their mind from old ideas of how everything should be. This liberation, leaving the old patterns behind, will open up a greater power of love for yourself and also for those around you.
It is love that does the healing.
This process takes place online, spread over 3 months with 12 hours per month or
on site in France, spread over 18 days with 2 hours per day.
In addition, it will be possible to clarify spontaneously arising questions with Nahizji by e-mail.
Jiyanh will be happy to answer any further questions you may have:
Only when you have decided to heal can your family also heal.
Only when you have decided to heal can your family also heal.
All people who live in a family want nothing more than to live together in harmony. What prevents them from doing so in everyday life are the expectations that everyone has of each other and the daily routine that is based on individual ego constructs and offers them a supposed sense of security.
Everyday routines are used here to gain some kind of recognition, praise or self-affirmation. Every action is aimed at creating the desired harmony, being seen and loved.

What drives everyone involved are their unresolved traumas and belief patterns. The parents, in particular, hope that the family construct they have built up in order to “do things differently to their own parents” will lead to a better life together than they have ever known.
But a construct remains a construct. It covers up everyone’s authenticity, in that everyone adheres to the desired forms of behaviour that offer them the emotional security they need to survive in this construct.
The family is used to feel complete and loved.
This daily effort workout takes away the air we breathe and makes us sick.

What is the key to healing your family?
This key lies in the development of your soul.
It takes a pioneering soul from this family who is brave enough to free themselves from the restrictive life construct and the old belief patterns, who is brave enough to confront the suppressed feelings and allow uncompromising behaviour to enter.
If you embark on this process, everything that offered you security will die. Everything that no longer corresponds to your inner self will go. Everyone who does not share this path with you will go. Through joy and sorrow, through pain and strength, God will guide you in this liberation.
You will learn to love what breaks out in you, what shows itself to you. In this you will recognise what it is like to love yourself with all aspects. This is the hardest work, to embrace with your heart those hidden parts that you have rejected for years. Each embrace will uplift you in your love and reveal to you the capacity of compassion.
With the eyes of compassion, you will recognise yourself in the other person and be able to receive them with their suffering.
This is the only way healing can happen.

Love for yourself,
love for all your feelings,
love for all your feelings,
love for what you know and don’t know,
love for what you can and cannot do,
this love, which embraces everything unconditionally, is the source of healing.
Only out of this love that you live can others be awakened and recognise their true self. Through them, you are a guide for your family.
If everyone involved in this family is prepared to use their life together for the development of their soul, the construct, which consists only of duties, will collapse. The experience with each other is completely free, lively, joyful and provides healing in their togetherness. Everyone recognises that they meet themselves through the other and thus grow through the other.
In this growth, the undreamt-of ability to love unconditionally increases in all of them.