Quotes and texts by Nahizji
When two people adore each other, give each other their love,
the strength of their hearts determines
how far they let the other’s love in.
Through them, their wounds become visible.
Through them, the purity of their intention for each other becomes clear.
Through them, their courage is challenged,
to go all the way for this love.
The one who recognizes this devotion will prove himself worthy because he burns for this immeasurable love.
The source of god
Feelings spring from the gushing fountain of God.
They shed their nectar, which sweetens your life.
Allow them,
feel them,
experience them.
They lead you to the bliss your heart is calling for.
Allow them,
feel them,
experience them.
Through them infinity is born.
Through them your love will rise.
Everything you hold on to,
will go sooner or later.
Realizations that are lived remain.
They are your anchor, they are the connection with your heart.
In faithfulness to it
you experience divine love,
that guides you,
which is eternal.
Spiritual maturity is not shown in what you know or can do. It is shown in how you live what you know, how you receive the present moment, how you feel it, what it needs from you and how you respond to it with your presence.
This is the change from the selfish, who reaches for the “want to have”,
to the selfless, who inevitably follows the will of his soul and serves it in complete devotion.
Sometimes you don’t need a solution,
you need arms to hold you.
If you suffer because something is not there in your life,
you are wasting your time and wasting all your energy on it.
If you consciously direct your vision to all that is there,
you will experience a raising of the frequency within you.
Because what is flowing through you at this moment,
is pure existence, life.
The glowing fire
You can do as much inner work as you want,
consume as many spiritual texts as you want,
watch as many satsangs as you want.
Without the softness of your heart, the truth will not reach you.
Without the warmth of your love, nothing will heal.
It is the glowing fire within you that needs to be ignited by the spark of your soul.
Your willingness has this power.
However, without surrendering to the experience, nothing will happen.
Let go of the desire to prove something to yourself.
Feel what draws you out of the familiar, follow this voice.
Trust it and entrust yourself completely to it.
Know exactly: in feeling, God speaks to you, showing you the way for your light with his radiance.
Feel and leap into the unknown.
False people who surround you,
do everything to ensure that you don’t see what you don’t want to see. This is how they bind themselves to your suffering with their suffering.
True people who are with you do everything to ensure that you see what wants to develop in order to elevate the love that connects you, uplift you.
The ego is so small that it believes
there is nothing greater than its thinking, with which it clings to obligations and limitations.
The heart knows that it carries an infinite greatness within itself, from which it wants to live the boundless freedom of unconditional love.
Who really sees you?
It is the one who recognizes himself in you,
who hears you with his heart,
who walks by your side,
without questioning it,
who is ready to embrace your tears
and your anger,
who can be close to you,
without touching you,
who feels you in your deepest pain.
It is the one who trusts his love, because it is this love that binds you together beyond every life.
Do everything,
to hear the voice of your heart,
do nothing to prevent it.
Meeting yourself is the highest act of love,
through which the divine looks to you.
It reveals to you the purity of your presence,
the untouchable within you.
Feel with your heart every movement that takes place within you.
Let it guide you wherever it pulls you.
This is how God speaks to us, through attraction.
A person’s subtlety is not revealed by his words,
it is shown by the silence
of his presence,
that needs no words.
When you change,
everything changes.
What seemed impossible before
becomes possible, with such precision that exactly what your heart was silently calling for is fulfilled.
God gives you everything when you trust him.
He shows you how much he loves you.
It is not the fear of the dark
that drives people,
but the fear of the light.
Not the fear of death,
but the fear of life.
Because when people allow the light in, what they have avoided until now becomes visible. They wake up from their deathlike sleep, in which they have been living according to their old programs.
With waking up comes life and with it responsibility. He becomes aware of what he is doing and what his actions leave behind.
He realizes that remaining in darkness means death.
Shining in the light opens up pure life for him.
“Do not strive for the people
who do not see your love.
God has a plan for them,
that will awaken them to the knowledge
for which they have come.
Yet, don’t give up on them,
entrust them to God.
He knows their path,
He is the key to their heart.
Look at who surrounds you,
look at how he looks at you,
listen to what he says to you,
listen to what his word brings to you.
Feel what he carries to you,
feel how it moves you inside.
Your heart recognises,
what God wants from you through the other person.
Does the other person make you blossom
or does it remain silent within you?
If it remains still, the lust of the senses will fade,
you will simply remain in the old.
If the blossom awakens,
that sprouts through your soul,
you will recognise
how this love flows within you.
In revelation, God will look through your eyes,
he will show you
what is true
and delight you with it.
The rest of the protection will fall from you,
you will give everything,
to shine his light.
You will come there
and remember:
Where did the love begin,
that you left,
that you are in truth?
I am here
That which cries out within you is the true longing to ascend into the expansion of your love.
God is clear and direct here, he always gives you the right fuel for this expansion.
When your fire begins to burn completely for him, he will bring people into your life who will shake you to the core.
He will create situations for you that will hold up the perfect mirror in which you will recognise your darker side.
In this intensity, God will ask for your ability to love, for all the feelings that show themselves to you in these situations, because this is the only way development is possible, through pure experience.
The ego will bleed, reject its counterpart, even hate it, until you realise that it is your unloved feelings that you are running away from.
Only when you face them will you penetrate the core of truth.
You will no longer let others tell you what is good or bad for you, because you will intuitively feel what suits you.
Your heart already knows what it wants to live.
Live that!
More quotes and texts...
from Nahizji are written down in her book
“Die Vereinbarung mit Gott” (in German).
It is also available as an eBook: Click here.